Style Guide


Only lowercase alphanumeric characters, - (minus) symbol and the .rst extension should be used.


  • style-guide.rst

  • index.rst

  • a-super-long-filename-that-is-to-long.rst

Preferred Editor

It is preferred to use Notepad++ as the text editor for creating files. When creating a .rst file tabs need to be replaced with a space indentation of 3.

This can be accomplished easilly with Notepad++ by going to Settings/Preferences/Language. In Language look to the right side for Tab Settings, select [Default] then check Replace by space and set the Tab size: to 3. An example image is shown below.



All text should be on the same line. To make it easier to read turn on text wrap. In Notepad++ this feature is enabled by going to View/Word wrap

Indentation and Blank Lines

Indentations should always match the previous level of indentation unless a new content block is created.

There should always be 1 blank line between everything. Except for lists.

.. tabs:: Example

   some stuff

   .. note:: some other stuff

   .. image:: images/fake-image-1.png
      :align: center


The highlight lines are the 1 blank line. Also note how there is no blank line between .. image:: and :align: as they are related and not seperate blocks.

Naming Conventions

To match other documentation use the following case for these terms exactly:

  • roboRIO

  • LabVIEW

  • myRIO

  • Visual Studio Code or VS Code

  • macOS

  • Linux

  • VMXpi


Images are easy to add and give a visual aspect to the user.

.. image:: images/example-image.png

Images should always be aligned to the center.

.. image:: images/example-image.png
   :align: center

If an image is to big or needs to be resized options such as width can be used to scale the image.

.. image:: images/example-image.png
   :align: center
   :width: 1000

Image Files


Images should be stored in the same directory as the file using the image, located in a sub-directory images.

docs/Contributing/style-guide <- is the file
docs/Contributing/images/style-guide-1.png <- image location

File Types

Supported image types:

  • .png

  • .jpg

  • .gif


If including a .gif image a .png static version of the same name is required to be included in the images folder. This is required for a proper pdf build.

If using a .gif the format for the image would be this:

.. image:: images/example-image.*
   :align: center

Naming Conventions

Images should be named corresponding to the name of the file using it and incremented with a number enumerated to the end. Examples are shown below.

Filename style-guide.rst would have the images

  • style-guide-1.png

  • style-guide-2.png

Filename another-example.rst would have the images

  • another-example-1.gif

  • another-example-1.png


Headings are signified with an underline with a specific symbol along with the heading character length. The following are the symbol levels to create heading:

  1. = used for document titles and should only be used once

Document Title
  1. - signifies the chapters or sections

Chapter or Section
  1. ^ signifies a new sub-section

New Sub-Section
  1. ~ signifies a sub-sub-section



If a heading more than a sub-sub-section is required then in most cases it should be written another way

Code Blocks

To create a block of code, use the code-block directive.


Line numbers are required for any block of code that contatains code. This is shown below. An exception for not having line numbers is when the code-block is just used for unformated text.

.. code-block:: (language)

       Source code

Here is a simple Java example.

.. code-block:: java

   System.out.println("Hello to whomever is reading this.");

Will come out as:

System.out.println("Hello to whomever is reading this.");

To higlight certain lines to stand out the :emphasize-lines: is used.

.. code-block:: java
   :emphasize-lines: 2,4

   System.out.println("Hello to whomever is reading this.");
   System.out.println("I hope you learn something.");
   System.out.println("Its real important.");
   System.out.println("For success.");

Will come out as:

System.out.println("Hello to whomever is reading this.");
System.out.println("I hope you learn something.");
System.out.println("Its real important.");
System.out.println("For success.");


The use of 2,3,4 is useful for single lines but for ranges 2-4 would work better. They can also be joined I.E. 2,4,6-10,12.


There are two types of lists and they are easy to use.

- This is
- a simple
- bullet lists

1. This is
2. a simple
3. numeric list
  • This is

  • a simple

  • bullet lists

  1. This is

  2. a simple

  3. numeric list


List’s don’t require the 1 line blank space in-between like the other functions


Tabs are a useful tool with many uses.

A common use case in this documentation is Java and C++ tabs.

.. tabs::

   .. tab:: Java

      .. code-block:: java

         System.out.println("Hello World!");

   .. tab:: C++

      .. code-block:: c++

         std::cout << "Hello World!";

Would come out looking like:

System.out.println("Hello World!");
std::cout << "Hello World!";

For more information, vist Sphinx tabs.


Admonitions are a popup to indicate a warning or important information. The following are the possible admonitions; attention, caution, danger, error, hint, important, note, tip and warning. To utilize a admonition use the keywords admonition as a directive.

For ease of use place descriptions on the same line as the admonition.


.. attention:: Description


.. attention::


Examples of each:


This is the attention admonition


This is the caution admonition


This is the danger admonition


This is the error admonition


This is the hint admonition


This is the important admonition


This is the note admonition


This is the tip admonition


This is the warning admonition